Full Project – the roles of revenue mobilization in economic growth and development

Full Project – the roles of revenue mobilization in economic growth and development

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The problems are as follows:

  • Social disinterest: In contribution of the up-keeping of the government. It is said to find top functionaries of government and well placed people in the society circumvent, payment of taxes, fees, licenses etc.
  • Economic development: This state of economic development of the society also affects revenue collection provision of enhanced infrastructures enhance ability to pay as this, gets as impetus.
  • Within the revenue agencies, there are poor facilities for work: There is evidence of dissatisfaction with poor conditions of services as well as working environment. There is lack of motivation as opportunities rarely exist for revenue collectors to reach the private of the state administrations.

The objective of the research study are thus:

  • To examine the roles or revenue mobilization in the economic growth and development in Akwa Ibom State.
  • To find out how revenue mobilization is used in budgeting realization.
  • To find out the sources of revenue mobilization to the federal, state and local government.
  • To find out how revenue collection could be used in the mobilization as an item aimed to budget realization.
  • To find out the problems confronting revenue mobilization and how to improve it.


  • Does revenue mobilization influence economic growth in the state?
  • Can revenue mobilization be used in budget realization?
  • Can revenue allocation be used in budget realization?
  • Are there problems facing revenue mobilization in the state?


  • Ho: There is no significant different between revenue mobilization and the development of the state.

Hi: There is different between revenue mobilization and the development of the state.

  • Ho: Revenue mobilization cannot be used in budget realization.

H2: Revenue mobilization can be used in budget realization.

  • Ho: There are problems facing revenue mobilization in the state.
  • H3: There are no problems facing revenue mobilization in the state.

This refers to the importance, relevance and benefits accruable to this research work at it’s completion. However, this research topic “Revenue mobilization as a means of budget realization” is central in every economy including Nigeria in which Akwa Ibom State is not an exception, as a result of these: this section will deal with the expected positive outcome of this research work in relation to Akwa Ibom State revenue mobilization as it affect the budget realization.
This research study will help the management of Akwa Ibom State Board of Internal Revenue (BIR) to identify its problems in revenue mobilization. Budget realization is not possible without an efficient and effective revenue collection and mobilization.
However, inefficient and ineffective budget realization is as a result of poor revenue mobilization which also has a tricking-down or multiplier effect on the economy at large,
This is because when the budget is not realized, economic growth and development are virtually impossible, as a result of these, the researcher believes in identifying the root problems of the problems of growth and development. Moreover, these root problems are all embedded in the problems of revenue and mobilization.
Again, this study or this research work will make available information and reference material for further study. On this topic, it is however expected that in the course of this study, the researcher will source for relevant pieces of information and materials for the purpose of the study. This nevertheless will assist in the completion of this research work and with further questions that will mutably arouse other researchers into further research. This indeed, will be of immense immeasurable benefit to the government of Akwa Ibom State in solving the problem of revenue mobilization.
Finally, is also expected that the research work will benefit all the stakeholders in the state which may include the government ministries and departments, the private sector organizations and the entire public and citizens of Akwa Ibom State. This is achievable through mass mobilization and sensitization in respect of revenue generation in the state. However, this sensitization can come under the following headings:
The need for revenue mobilization, the importance of revenue mobilization, the uses of government revenue, the benefit of revenue mobilization to entire public and the need for individual and organization to contribute their quotas in the revenue generation of the state. This in turn will help in budget realization and economic development of the state.

The scope of this work is based on revenue mobilization as a means of budget realization (A case study of Akwa Ibom State Board of Internal Revenue – Uyo)
This study is limited to the Board of Internal Revenue – Uyo which revenue mobilization helps in budget realization is relevant.

In this research work, the researcher encountered some problems which stand as a constraints to the smooth operation of the research. However, some of the constraints are stated below:

  • Unfavourable respondent’s reactions.
  • The problem of accessing respondent in remote locations
  • Problem of bad access roads.
  • Difficulties in gathering information from some revenue officers
  • Non- availability of text books on revenue mobilization and research.



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Full Project – the roles of revenue mobilization in economic growth and development