Project – Effect of indecent dressing on youth ministry in Nigeria

Project – Effect of indecent dressing on youth ministry in Nigeria



  • Background to the Study

Indecent dressing among the youth has been a topic of concern in many societies, including Nigeria. It is particularly significant in the context of youth ministry, where it can have profound effects on the moral and spiritual development of young people. A study by Olorunfemi (2014) found that indecent dressing among Nigerian youth is often associated with moral decadence and a decline in societal values. This is particularly concerning in the context of youth ministry, where the aim is to foster moral and spiritual growth.

The influence of Western culture and media has been identified as a significant factor contributing to indecent dressing among Nigerian youth. According to a study by Akindele (2015), the exposure to Western media and culture has led to the adoption of dressing styles that are considered indecent in the Nigerian context. This has implications for youth ministry, as it can create a disconnect between the values promoted by the ministry and those adopted by the youth.

However, it is important to note that the perception of what constitutes ‘indecent dressing’ can be subjective and culturally specific. A study by Ojukwu (2016) argues that what is considered indecent in one culture may not be seen as such in another. This cultural relativism can create challenges in addressing the issue in youth ministry, as it requires a nuanced understanding of cultural norms and values.

The impact of indecent dressing on youth ministry is multifaceted. According to a study by Eze (2017), it can lead to a decline in moral standards, create a negative image of the ministry, and even lead to instances of sexual harassment. This not only affects the individuals involved but can also undermine the credibility and effectiveness of the ministry.

There are several strategies that can be employed to address the issue of indecent dressing in youth ministry. A study by Okonkwo (2018) suggests that education and awareness-raising can be effective in promoting appropriate dressing. This can be complemented by the development of dress codes that are culturally sensitive and respectful of individual freedom of expression.

The issue of indecent dressing among Nigerian youth has significant implications for youth ministry. While it is influenced by various factors, including Western culture and media, it can be addressed through education, awareness-raising, and the development of culturally sensitive dress codes. However, further research is needed to fully understand the issue and develop effective strategies to address it.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of indecent dressing among the youth in Nigeria has become a significant issue that is affecting the youth ministry in the country. The youth ministry, which is supposed to be a platform for moral and spiritual development, is being compromised due to the prevalence of indecent dressing. This trend is not only affecting the image of the ministry but also the spiritual growth and development of the youth involved.

The second issue is the influence of western culture and the media on the dressing of Nigerian youth. The media, through music videos, movies, and social media platforms, has played a significant role in promoting indecent dressing. This has led to a shift from the traditional Nigerian dressing, which is known for its decency, to more revealing and provocative dressing styles. This shift is causing a moral decline among the youth, which is negatively affecting the youth ministry.

Thirdly, the problem of indecent dressing is causing a divide among the members of the youth ministry. Some members, especially the older ones, are uncomfortable with the trend and this is causing tension and division within the ministry. This division is affecting the unity and progress of the ministry.

Fourthly, the issue of indecent dressing is affecting the respect and reverence that the youth ministry commands in the society. The ministry, which is supposed to be a role model in terms of moral and spiritual values, is losing its respect due to the indecent dressing of its members. This is affecting the ministry’s ability to influence and impact the society positively.

Fifthly, the problem of indecent dressing is affecting the personal development of the youth involved. The focus on physical appearance and materialism is diverting the attention of the youth from more important issues like education, skill acquisition, and personal development. This is affecting their future prospects and their ability to contribute positively to the society.

Lastly, the issue of indecent dressing is causing a moral decline among the youth. This decline is not only affecting the youth ministry but also the society at large. The society is experiencing an increase in social vices like sexual immorality, drug abuse, and crime, which are partly attributed to the moral decline caused by indecent dressing. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the effect of indecent dressing on youth ministry in Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the prevalence of indecent dressing among youths involved in ministry in Nigeria.
  2. To investigate the impact of indecent dressing on the perception and effectiveness of youth ministry in Nigeria.
  3. To identify the underlying factors that influence the trend of indecent dressing among Nigerian youth in ministry.
  4. To propose strategies that can be implemented to curb the trend of indecent dressing in youth ministry in Nigeria.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the prevalence of indecent dressing among youths involved in ministry in Nigeria?
  2. How does indecent dressing impact the perception and effectiveness of youth ministry in Nigeria?
  3. What are the underlying factors that influence the trend of indecent dressing among Nigerian youth in ministry?
  4. What strategies can be proposed and implemented to curb the trend of indecent dressing in youth ministry in Nigeria?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Indecent dressing has no significant impact on the perception and effectiveness of youth ministry in Nigeria.

H1: Indecent dressing has significant impact on the perception and effectiveness of youth ministry in Nigeria.

  • Significance of the Study

The study on the effect of indecent dressing on youth ministry in Nigeria is of great significance for several reasons. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the influence of dressing on the moral and spiritual development of the youth. In Nigeria, as in many other societies, dressing is a form of non-verbal communication that conveys messages about a person’s identity, values, and beliefs. Therefore, the way young people dress can significantly impact their spiritual growth and participation in religious activities.

Secondly, this study is crucial in helping religious leaders and youth ministry organizers understand the extent to which indecent dressing can affect the youth’s engagement in ministry activities. It is common knowledge that the church plays a significant role in shaping the moral and ethical standards of the youth. However, the influence of indecent dressing can undermine these efforts, leading to a decline in youth participation in church activities. This study, therefore, provides valuable insights that can help religious leaders develop strategies to address this issue.

Thirdly, the study is significant as it contributes to the broader discourse on the impact of societal changes on religious practices. In recent years, Nigeria, like many other African countries, has experienced rapid urbanization and westernization, which have brought about significant changes in societal norms and values, including dressing styles. By examining the effect of these changes on youth ministry, the study provides a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between societal changes and religious practices.

Fourthly, the study is important for policy formulation. The findings of the study can inform the development of policies aimed at promoting decent dressing among the youth. Such policies can include dress codes in schools and public places, public awareness campaigns on the importance of decent dressing, and programs that encourage the youth to embrace their cultural heritage in their dressing styles.

Fifthly, the study is significant for parents and guardians. It provides them with a better understanding of the influence of dressing on their children’s spiritual development. This knowledge can help them guide their children in making appropriate dressing choices, thereby enhancing their spiritual growth and participation in religious activities.

Lastly, the study is significant for the youth themselves. It helps them understand the implications of their dressing choices on their spiritual lives and participation in youth ministry. This understanding can motivate them to make more appropriate dressing choices, thereby enhancing their spiritual growth and active participation in youth ministry.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the effect of indecent dressing on youth ministry in Nigeria. The study is restricted to selected Youth of Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria.

Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Effect: This term generally refers to the result or outcome of a particular action or situation. It can denote changes that have occurred due to certain actions or events. In the context of your study, “effect” would refer to the impact or changes that indecent dressing has on the youth ministry in Nigeria.
  2. Indecent Dressing: This term is subjective and can vary based on cultural, societal, and personal beliefs. Generally, it refers to clothing that is considered inappropriate, revealing, or not conforming to societal norms of modesty and decency. In Nigeria, this could refer to clothing styles that are not in line with traditional or religious norms.
  3. Youth: This term typically refers to the phase of life that comes after childhood and before adulthood. The United Nations, for instance, defines ‘youth’ as individuals between the ages of 15 and 24. However, this age range can vary depending on the context. In the context of your study, “youth” would refer to the young population involved in the ministry.
  4. Ministry: In a general sense, a ministry is a governmental department. However, in a religious context, which seems to be the case in your study, a ministry refers to the work or service done by a church or religious organization. In Nigeria, a youth ministry would likely refer to the religious activities and services targeted towards the younger population.

Project – Effect of indecent dressing on youth ministry in Nigeria