Project – Determinants of preschoolers learning experiences in Rivers East Senatorial District

Project – Determinants of preschoolers learning experiences in Rivers East Senatorial District



  • Background to the Study

The learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools in Nigeria have been a subject of interest for many researchers. A study by Ojediran, I.A., Oduolowu, E.A., and Akinbote, R.O. (2013) found that the quality of the learning environment significantly influences the learning experiences of preschoolers. The study, which was conducted in Ogun State, Nigeria, revealed that the availability of learning materials, the physical condition of the school, and the teacher’s qualifications were key determinants of the learning experiences of preschoolers.

Another determinant of preschoolers’ learning experiences in nursery schools in Nigeria is the curriculum. According to Eze, I.O., Ajogwu, C.N., and Onah, B.I. (2017), the curriculum plays a crucial role in shaping the learning experiences of preschoolers. Their study, which was conducted in Enugu State, Nigeria, found that a well-structured curriculum that incorporates play, creativity, and exploration significantly enhances the learning experiences of preschoolers.

The role of parents and the home environment cannot be overlooked in determining the learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools in Nigeria. A study by Omoegun, M.O. (2007) found that parental involvement in their children’s education significantly influences their learning experiences. The study, which was conducted in Lagos State, Nigeria, revealed that children whose parents are actively involved in their education tend to have better learning experiences.

The teacher’s teaching methods also significantly influence the learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools in Nigeria. According to a study by Ojediran, I.A., Oduolowu, E.A., and Akinbote, R.O. (2013), teachers who use child-centered teaching methods, such as play and exploration, significantly enhance the learning experiences of preschoolers. The study also found that teachers who use authoritarian teaching methods tend to hinder the learning experiences of preschoolers.

The socio-economic status of the parents also plays a crucial role in determining the learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools in Nigeria. A study by Eze, I.O., Ajogwu, C.N., and Onah, B.I. (2017) found that children from low socio-economic backgrounds tend to have poorer learning experiences compared to their counterparts from high socio-economic backgrounds. The study attributed this to the lack of access to quality learning materials and the inability of the parents to afford quality education for their children.

The determinants of preschoolers’ learning experiences in nursery schools in Nigeria are multifaceted. They include the quality of the learning environment, the curriculum, parental involvement, the teacher’s teaching methods, and the socio-economic status of the parents. Therefore, to enhance the learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools in Nigeria, there is a need for a holistic approach that addresses all these determinants.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of determining the factors that influence preschoolers’ learning experiences in nursery schools in Nigeria is a complex one. The learning environment, teaching methods, and socio-economic status of the families are some of the factors that have been identified in previous studies (Adeyemi, 2012). However, there is a lack of comprehensive research that considers all these factors together, which makes it difficult to develop effective strategies for improving learning experiences.

The quality of education in Nigeria’s nursery schools is a major concern. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), many children in Nigeria do not have access to quality early childhood education. This is a significant problem because the early years are critical for cognitive, social, and emotional development.

The teaching methods used in nursery schools are another area of concern. Traditional teaching methods, which are often teacher-centered and do not encourage active participation from the children, are still prevalent in many nursery schools in Nigeria. These methods may not be effective in promoting learning and development in preschoolers.

The socio-economic status of the families also plays a crucial role in preschoolers’ learning experiences. Children from low-income families may not have access to the same resources and opportunities as those from higher-income families, which can affect their learning experiences.

Furthermore, the lack of trained teachers and adequate learning materials in many nursery schools in Nigeria is a significant problem. Without proper training and resources, teachers may not be able to provide the best learning experiences for preschoolers.

There are several determinants of preschoolers’ learning experiences in nursery schools in Nigeria, including the learning environment, teaching methods, socio-economic status of the families, and the availability of trained teachers and learning materials. However, more research is needed to understand how these factors interact and how they can be addressed to improve the quality of early childhood education in Nigeria.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study
  1. To identify the key factors that influence the learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools.
  2. To examine the role of teachers and the teaching methods employed in shaping the learning experiences of preschoolers.
  3. To assess the impact of the physical environment on the learning experiences of preschoolers.
  4. To evaluate the influence of parental involvement on the preschoolers’ learning experiences.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the key factors that influence the learning experiences of preschoolers in nursery schools?
  2. How do teachers and the teaching methods employed shape the learning experiences of preschoolers?
  3. What is the impact of the physical environment on the learning experiences of preschoolers?
  4. How does parental involvement influence the preschoolers’ learning experiences?
  • Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is buttressed below:

Ho: Physical environment does not have significant impact in shaping the learning experiences of preschoolers

H1: Physical environment have significant impact in shaping the learning experiences of preschoolers

  • Significance of the Study

The study of determinants of preschoolers’ learning experiences in nursery schools in Rivers East Senatorial District is of significant importance for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the learning experiences of preschoolers. This knowledge is crucial for educators, parents, and policymakers to create an optimal learning environment for children at this critical stage of development.

Secondly, the findings of this study could contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of early childhood education. By identifying the key determinants of learning experiences, this study could provide a basis for further research and exploration, thereby advancing the understanding of early learning processes.

Thirdly, the study could have practical implications for nursery schools in the Rivers East Senatorial District. By identifying the factors that enhance or hinder learning experiences, schools can make informed decisions about their teaching methods, physical environment, and parental involvement strategies.

Fourthly, the study could influence policy-making in the field of early childhood education. The findings could provide evidence-based recommendations for policymakers to improve the quality of preschool education in the Rivers East Senatorial District and beyond.

Fifthly, the study could also be beneficial for parents. Understanding the determinants of their children’s learning experiences could help parents make informed decisions about their involvement in their children’s education and their choice of nursery schools.

Lastly, the study is significant because it focuses on the Rivers East Senatorial District, a region that may have unique factors influencing preschoolers’ learning experiences. This focus on a specific geographical area allows for a detailed and nuanced understanding of the local context, which is often overlooked in broader studies.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the determinants of preschoolers learning experiences in Rivers East Senatorial District, Rivers State. The study is restricted to pre-schools in Rivers East Senatorial District, Rivers State.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

“Determinants”: In the context of this study, determinants refer to the factors or elements that influence or determine the outcomes of a certain situation or condition. They are the variables that have an impact on the result of an event.

“Preschoolers”: Preschoolers are children who are in the stage of childhood development that is between infancy and school age, typically between the ages of 3 and 5. They are usually enrolled in a preschool or nursery school program to prepare them for the transition to formal education.

“Learning”: Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. It involves cognitive and psychological processes, and it’s influenced by an individual’s environment, genetics, and experiences.

“Experiences”: Experiences refer to the events, incidents, or situations that a person encounters or goes through in life. In the context of this study, experiences refer to the various activities, interactions, and events that preschoolers encounter in their learning environment, which can significantly influence their learning outcomes.

Project – Determinants of preschoolers learning experiences in Rivers East Senatorial District