Project – Assessing the Impact of Sociocultural Factors On Health Seeking Behaviour among Nigerians.

Project – Assessing the Impact of Sociocultural Factors On Health Seeking Behaviour among Nigerians.



  • Background to the Study

The impact of sociocultural factors on health-seeking behavior among Nigerians has been a subject of extensive research in recent years. A study by Oleribe et al. (2015) found that cultural beliefs and practices significantly influence health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. The study revealed that many Nigerians prefer traditional medicine to modern healthcare due to cultural beliefs and practices. This preference for traditional medicine often leads to delays in seeking modern healthcare, which can result in poor health outcomes.

Another significant sociocultural factor that affects health-seeking behavior in Nigeria is gender. According to a study by Onah et al. (2016), women in Nigeria are less likely to seek healthcare than men due to cultural norms that prioritize men’s health over women’s health. The study also found that women’s health-seeking behavior is often influenced by their husbands, who may discourage them from seeking healthcare due to cultural beliefs about women’s health.

Religion also plays a crucial role in health-seeking behavior among Nigerians. A study by Okonkwo et al. (2017) found that religious beliefs often influence health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. For instance, some Nigerians believe that illness is a punishment from God and therefore refuse to seek healthcare, believing that only prayer can cure them. This belief can lead to delays in seeking healthcare and can result in poor health outcomes.

Socioeconomic status is another significant factor that affects health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. According to a study by Afolabi et al. (2018), individuals with low socioeconomic status are less likely to seek healthcare due to financial constraints. The study also found that individuals with low socioeconomic status often lack access to quality healthcare, which can discourage them from seeking healthcare.

Education level also influences health-seeking behavior among Nigerians. A study by Oyekale (2015) found that individuals with higher education levels are more likely to seek healthcare than those with lower education levels. The study suggested that education increases awareness about the importance of healthcare and encourages individuals to seek healthcare when needed.

In conclusion, sociocultural factors significantly impact health-seeking behavior among Nigerians. Cultural beliefs and practices, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, and education level all influence health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. Therefore, interventions aimed at improving health-seeking behavior in Nigeria should consider these sociocultural factors.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of assessing the impact of sociocultural factors on health-seeking behavior among Nigerians is a complex one. Nigeria, being a country with diverse ethnic groups, has a variety of sociocultural practices that significantly influence the health-seeking behavior of its citizens (Adebayo et al., 2014). These practices, which are deeply rooted in the beliefs and traditions of the people, often determine the kind of health care services they seek, when they seek them, and how they perceive their health status (Oleribe et al., 2015).

The problem is further compounded by the fact that many Nigerians, especially those in rural areas, still rely heavily on traditional medicine and spiritual healing due to their cultural beliefs (Ogbonnaya & Ogbonnaya, 2011). This reliance often leads to delays in seeking modern healthcare services, resulting in poor health outcomes. Furthermore, the stigma associated with certain illnesses in many Nigerian societies often prevents individuals from seeking timely and appropriate healthcare (Yusuf et al., 2017).

Another aspect of the problem is the gender disparity in health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. Cultural norms and practices often limit women’s access to healthcare services, leading to poor health outcomes (Onah & Horton, 2018). For instance, in some Nigerian societies, women are not allowed to seek healthcare without the permission of their husbands or male relatives, which can lead to delays in seeking care (Onah & Horton, 2018).

The influence of socioeconomic status on health-seeking behavior is also a significant part of the problem. Many Nigerians, particularly those in low-income groups, cannot afford the cost of modern healthcare services and therefore resort to self-medication or traditional healing methods (Adebayo et al., 2014). This situation is worsened by the lack of health insurance coverage for a significant proportion of the Nigerian population (Onwujekwe et al., 2010).

The problem is further exacerbated by the lack of awareness and knowledge about certain health conditions and the benefits of modern healthcare services. Many Nigerians, especially those in rural areas, lack access to health education, which hinders their ability to make informed health decisions (Oleribe et al., 2015).

The problem of assessing the impact of sociocultural factors on health-seeking behavior among Nigerians is multifaceted, involving cultural beliefs and practices, gender disparities, socioeconomic status, and lack of health education. Addressing this problem requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account these various factors.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to assess the Impact of Sociocultural Factors on Health Seeking Behaviour among Nigerians. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the influence of sociocultural factors on health-seeking behavior among Nigerians.
  2. To identify the specific sociocultural factors that significantly affect health-seeking behavior in Nigeria.
  3. To understand the extent to which these sociocultural factors influence the decision to seek or not seek healthcare services.
  4. To analyze the differences in health-seeking behavior among various sociocultural groups within Nigeria.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How do sociocultural factors influence health-seeking behavior among Nigerians?
  2. What specific sociocultural factors significantly affect health-seeking behavior in Nigeria?
  3. To what extent do these sociocultural factors influence the decision to seek or not seek healthcare services?
  4. Are there differences in health-seeking behavior among various sociocultural groups within Nigeria?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Sociocultural factors has no significant influence on health-seeking behavior among Nigerians.

H1: Sociocultural factors has significant influence on health-seeking behavior among Nigerians.

  • Significance of the Study

The study “Assessing the Impact of Sociocultural Factors On Health Seeking Behaviour among Nigerians” holds significant importance in several ways. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of how sociocultural factors influence health-seeking behavior among Nigerians. This understanding is crucial as it can help health practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders to design culturally sensitive health interventions that can improve health-seeking behavior and overall health outcomes in Nigeria.

Secondly, the study identifies specific sociocultural factors that significantly affect health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. This identification can help in pinpointing the areas where interventions are most needed. It can also guide the development of targeted health education and promotion programs that address these specific sociocultural factors.

Thirdly, the study explores the extent to which these sociocultural factors influence the decision to seek or not seek healthcare services. This exploration can provide insights into the barriers and facilitators to healthcare utilization in Nigeria. It can also inform strategies to increase healthcare access and utilization among different sociocultural groups in the country.

Fourthly, the study analyzes the differences in health-seeking behavior among various sociocultural groups within Nigeria. This analysis can help in understanding the health disparities among different sociocultural groups in the country. It can also guide the development of health policies and programs that are equitable and inclusive.

Fifthly, the study contributes to the existing literature on health-seeking behavior in Nigeria. It adds to the body of knowledge on the influence of sociocultural factors on health-seeking behavior, particularly in the Nigerian context. This contribution can be useful for future research in this area.

Lastly, the study has implications for health policy and practice in Nigeria. The findings can inform the development of culturally appropriate health policies and practices that can improve health-seeking behavior and health outcomes in the country. They can also guide the implementation and evaluation of these policies and practices.


  • Scope of the Study

The study assesses the Impact of Sociocultural Factors on Health Seeking Behaviour among Nigerians. A Case Study of Abuja, FCT.


  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Impact: In general terms, impact refers to the effect or influence of one thing on another. In the context of a study or research, it often refers to the measurable outcomes or changes that can be directly attributed to a specific intervention, action, or event.
  2. Sociocultural Factors: These are customs, lifestyles, and values that characterize a society or group. Sociocultural factors are the larger scale forces within cultures and societies that affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals. These can include things like social norms, cultural diversity, societal attitudes, and so on.
  3. Health Seeking Behaviour: This term refers to the actions individuals take when they feel unwell, to identify the problem and find a remedy. It includes how and when individuals access health services, their adherence to prescribed treatments, and their willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Health seeking behaviour is influenced by a variety of factors, including sociocultural factors, personal beliefs, availability of services, and perceived quality of care.

Project – Assessing the Impact of Sociocultural Factors On Health Seeking Behaviour among Nigerians.