Full Project – Design and implementation of an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

Full Project – Design and implementation of an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

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Over the years, the leading cause of death in women aged between 35-54 years is breast cancer and second to cardiovascular disease in order woman (Logan 1975).

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor (a collection of cancer cells) arising from the cell of the breast. Although breast cancer predominantly occurs in women, it can also affect men.

Mortality and incidence rate vary throughout the world, with England and Wales making first and U.S fourteen developing countries like Nigeria not left, in fact the two leading cancer sites are breast and lung accounting for about 25% of all cancer such as common disease in woman and 1 to 12% woman is affected in the U.S and 1% Nigeria. However, it’s not surprising that there exists a long list of potential risk factor aging factor, the age of first birth being breast disorder decrease parity, unopposed ovarian cycling menstrual experience, lactation experience, viral hypothesis.

However, hereditary and family history of breast cancer is now considered to be two most important risk factor majority of women now coming for medical attention in developing countries.

The high incidence of breast cancer is not unique in the middle east. Studies reveal that in the USA, most of the women have breast cancer as a common ailment, which has further focused more to educate the woman about early detection and prevention; so as to minimizes the death rate cause of breast cancer.



Nowadays with the evolution of science and technology, medical fields become more efficient. There are many applications on the expert system that has been used in medical field. As an example, an expert system has been implemented for disease diagnosing.

There are many types of diagnosis that had used this expert system such as to diagnose chest pain, breast cancer, skin disease, hypertension, diabetes, and e.t.c. this kind of diagnosis expert system is known as a medical expert system. This diagnosing expert system is developed either as a standalone system or integrated system.

According to Luger (1989), medical expert systems have evolved to provide physicians and individual with computer knowledge to have a vast range of knowledge for diagnosing and prescribing treatment for diseases with both structured questions and structured response within medical domains of specialized knowledge or experience. Therefore this breast cancer diagnosis and treatment expert system consist of both structured questions and structured responses within medical domains.

All the parameters that have been used in this system are based on easy to understand medical terminologies. Therefore this system can assist medical practitioners or even individuals (patient) to diagnose the breast, give result without first going to the doctor for diagnosis and be able to provide a system which is very efficient, secure, and reliable.





Disease(breast cancer) diagnosis and treatment constitute the major work of physicians. Some of the time, diagnosis is wrongly done leading to an error in prescribing treatment and further complications in the patient’s health. It has also been noticed that much time is spent in physical examination and interview of patients before treatment commences.

The clinical decision support system (CDSS)  shall address these problems by effectively providing a quality diagnosis in real-time.



The aim of the project is to design software that can be used to diagnose breast cancer and prescribe treatment. The objective could be summarized as follows:

  • Offer prescription of medication
  • Aid health care providers responsible for the patients, the expert system can answer basic or general questions, leaving more time for individuals to patients with peculiar situations.
  • Offering prompt feedback and self-evaluation.
  • Providing a potentially infinite array of information of the steps to take in the eventuality of a particular occurrence.
  • Aiding the nurses and other staff in the federal medical center (FMC) to know what to do in the case of emergency if the human expert is not present at that point in time.



Advances in the areas of computer science and artificial intelligence have allowed for the development of computer systems that support clinical diagnostic or therapeutic decisions based on individualized patient data. Based on my case study federal medical center (FMC),  the clinical decision support (CDS) systems aim to codify and strategically manage biomedical knowledge to handle challenges in clinical practice using mathematical modeling tools,  medical data processing techniques and artificial intelligence (A.I.) methods.



This research work expert system on breast disease diagnosis system concentrates only on the diagnosis of some breast diseases will be concerned in registering patients and saving their records to the database.



In the course of this study, a major constraint experienced was that of the time factor and insufficient finance. Others include the inevitability of human error and bias as some information was obtained via interpersonal interactions,  interviews, and research, making some inconsistent with existing realities or outrightly incorrect.

Great pains were however taken to ensure that these limitations are at their very minimum and less impactful on the outcome of the work.



Here, the researcher shall try as much as possible to explain certain technical terms used during the course of his study.

Prognosis: This is a medical opinion as to the likely outcome of a disease.

Etiology: This is the branch of medicine that investigates the causes and origin of diseases.

Diagnostic  Criteria:  This term designates the specific combination of signs, symptoms, and test results that the clinician uses to attempt to determine the correct diagnosis.

Therapy critiquing and consulting:  This function of a  clinician implies assessing of the therapy looking for inconsistencies, errors, cross-references for drug interactions and prevents prescribing of allergenic drugs.

Allergen: A substance that causes an allergy.

Epidemiology: The scientific and medical study of the causes and transmission of disease within a population


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Full Project – Design and implementation of an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer