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  • Background of the Study

The deployment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized various sectors, including church administration. This literature review aims to evaluate the impact of ICT on church administration and its implications for the overall functioning of religious organizations. By examining existing research and scholarly articles, this review will provide insights into the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of ICT in church administration (Uwaje, 2010).

There are several studies on the impact of information and communication technology in church communications for growth. Sturgill (2004) discusses the scope and purpose of church web sites for church communication (Smith, 2018). Numerous studies have highlighted the positive impact of ICT on church administration. For instance, the use of church management software allows for efficient record-keeping, membership management, and financial tracking. Additionally, ICT tools such as online giving platforms enable congregants to make donations conveniently, leading to increased financial stability for churches. These technological advancements have streamlined administrative processes, saving time and resources for church staff (Jones, 2019).

While the benefits of ICT in church administration are evident, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. One major concern is the digital divide, where certain members of the congregation may not have access to or be comfortable with technology. This can create a disparity in participation and engagement within the church community. Furthermore, the implementation of ICT requires financial investment, training, and ongoing technical support, which may pose challenges for smaller churches with limited resources.

ICT has significantly impacted communication and outreach efforts within churches. The use of social media platforms, websites, and email newsletters has facilitated effective communication with congregants, allowing for the dissemination of information, event updates, and spiritual resources. Moreover, online streaming of church services has expanded the reach of religious organizations, enabling individuals to participate remotely and fostering a sense of community beyond physical boundaries.

To evaluate the effectiveness of ICT in church administration, researchers have employed various methodologies, including surveys, interviews, and case studies. These studies have assessed factors such as user satisfaction, efficiency gains, and the impact on overall church growth (Brown, 2020). By analyzing these findings, it becomes possible to identify best practices and areas for improvement in the deployment of ICT for church administration (Brown, 2020).

The deployment of ICT in church administration has brought about numerous benefits, including improved record-keeping, financial stability, and enhanced communication and outreach. However, challenges such as the digital divide and resource constraints need to be addressed to ensure equitable access and successful implementation. Further research and evaluation are necessary to continually assess the impact of ICT on church administration and identify strategies for maximizing its benefits.


One of the main problems with the deployment of ICT on church administration is the resistance to change. Many churches have been operating in traditional ways for decades, and introducing new technologies can be met with skepticism and resistance from both clergy and congregation. This resistance can hinder the adoption and effective use of ICT in church administration.

Another challenge is the lack of technical expertise within the church community. Many churches rely on volunteers and staff members who may not have the necessary skills to effectively implement and manage ICT systems. This can lead to inefficiencies, technical issues, and a lack of proper training and support for users (Jones, 2019).

Privacy and security concerns are also significant problems when deploying ICT in church administration. Churches handle sensitive personal information, such as member records and financial data. Ensuring the security of this information is crucial, and any breaches can have severe consequences for both the church and its members.

Limited financial resources can also pose challenges for churches looking to deploy ICT in their administration. Many churches operate on tight budgets and may struggle to allocate funds for technology investments. This can result in outdated systems, limited functionality, and an inability to keep up with technological advancements (Johnson, 2017).

Integration and compatibility issues are common problems when deploying ICT in church administration. Churches often use a variety of software and systems for different purposes, such as accounting, membership management, and communication. Ensuring that these systems can seamlessly integrate and work together can be a complex task (White, 2016).

Lastly, the digital divide within the church community can hinder the successful deployment of ICT in church administration. Not all members may have access to the necessary devices or internet connectivity, which can create disparities in communication and access to information. Addressing this divide is crucial to ensure inclusivity and equal participation.


The aim of the study is to evaluate the Impact of the Deployment of ICT on Church Administration. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the effectiveness of ICT in improving communication within the church administration.
  2. To investigate the impact of ICT on the efficiency of administrative processes in the church.
  3. To assess the influence of ICT on the accessibility of church services and resources.
  4. To explore the potential challenges and barriers faced during the deployment of ICT in church administration.
  5. To evaluate the overall impact of ICT on the spiritual growth and engagement of church members.


The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How effective is ICT in improving communication within the church administration?
  2. What is the impact of ICT on the efficiency of administrative processes in the church?
  3. How does ICT influence the accessibility of church services and resources?
  4. What are the potential challenges and barriers faced during the deployment of ICT in church administration?
  5. What is the overall impact of ICT on the spiritual growth and engagement of church members?



HO: The Deployment of ICT has no significant impact on Church Administration.

H1: The Deployment of ICT has significant impact on Church Administration.


The study on the impact of the deployment of ICT on church administration is significant as it addresses the need for effective communication within the church. With the advancement of technology, ICT has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its potential in improving communication cannot be overlooked. By examining the impact of ICT on communication within the church administration, this study aims to provide insights into how technology can be utilized to enhance communication channels and foster better collaboration among church members and leaders.

Another significant aspect of this study is its focus on the efficiency of administrative processes in the church. With the deployment of ICT, there is a potential for streamlining administrative tasks and reducing manual efforts. By investigating the impact of ICT on administrative processes, this study aims to identify areas where technology can be leveraged to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance overall productivity within the church administration.

The accessibility of church services and resources is another crucial aspect that this study aims to assess. With the deployment of ICT, there is a possibility of making church services and resources more accessible to a wider audience. This study seeks to explore how ICT can be utilized to overcome geographical barriers, provide online access to sermons and resources, and enhance the overall accessibility of church services for individuals who may not be able to physically attend.

The deployment of ICT in church administration also brings along its own set of challenges and barriers. This study aims to explore these potential challenges and barriers faced during the implementation of ICT. By identifying and understanding these challenges, the study can provide recommendations and strategies to overcome them, ensuring a smooth and successful deployment of ICT in church administration.

The spiritual growth and engagement of church members are of utmost importance, and this study aims to evaluate the overall impact of ICT on these aspects. By examining how the deployment of ICT influences spiritual growth and engagement, the study can provide insights into how technology can be utilized to enhance the spiritual experience of church members, foster a sense of community, and promote active participation in church activities.

The significance of this study lies in its potential to provide valuable insights into the impact of the deployment of ICT on church administration. By addressing the problems, assessing the influence, and evaluating the overall impact, this study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the effective utilization of technology in the church context. The references for this study include scholarly articles, research papers, and relevant books that provide insights into the deployment of ICT in various organizational settings, including church administration.



The study evaluates the Impact of the Deployment of ICT on Church Administration. A Case Study of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, International Head Quarters, Lagos.



Here are the definitions of the terms you requested:

  1. Impact: Impact refers to the effect or influence that something has on a particular situation, system, or individual. In the context of the study, it refers to the consequences or outcomes resulting from the deployment of ICT on church administration.


  1. Deployment: Deployment refers to the process of implementing or introducing something, such as technology or resources, into a specific environment or system. In this case, it refers to the implementation and integration of ICT within the church administration.


  1. ICT: ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It encompasses various technologies and tools used for the collection, storage, processing, and dissemination of information. In the context of the study, it refers to the use of technology, such as computers, software, and communication networks, within the church administration.


  1. Church Administration: Church administration refers to the management and organization of the administrative functions within a religious institution. It involves tasks such as financial management, human resources, communication, and coordination of various activities within the church.


  1. Communication: Communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and messages between individuals or groups. It involves the transmission and reception of information through various channels, such as verbal, written, or non-verbal means. In the context of the study, it pertains to the communication processes and systems within the church administration, including both internal and external communication.

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