Full Project – Design and implementation of natural language communication

Full Project – Design and implementation of natural language communication

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Natural language communication or ordinary language is any language arises, unpremeditated, in the brains of human beings. Typically, therefore, these are the languages human beings use to communicate with each other whether by speech, signing, touch or writing. They are distinguished from constructed and formal language such as those used to program computers or to study logic.



Natural language communication is a subtopic of natural language processing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine reading comprehension. The process of disassembling and parsing input is more complex than the reverse process of assembling output in natural occurrence of unknown and unexpected features in the input and the need to determine the appropriate syntactic and semantic schemes to apply to it, factors which are pre-determined when outputting language. There is considerable commercial interest in the field because of its application to news-gathering, that categorization, voice-activation, and large-scale content analysis.

The understanding of natural languages reveals much about not only how language works (in terms of syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology etc) but also about how the human mind and the human brain process language.

In linguistic terms, a natural language only applies to a language that has evolved naturally, and the study of natural language primarily involves native (first language) speakers. The learning of one’s own native language, typically that of one’s parents normally occurs spontaneously in early human childhood and is biologically driven. A crucial role of this process is the ability of humans from an early age to engage in speech repetition and so quickly acquire a spoken vocabulary from the pronunciation of words around them. This together with other aspects of speech involves the neural activity of parts of the human brain. There are approximately 7,000 current human languages and many, if not most seem to share certain properties.

Effective human communication has been hampered by the multiplicities of natural (human) languages. In the world today there are over thirty million speakers of natural languages. These languages, when spoken to someone who does not understand it brings about communication breakdown and set back. The need to learn these languages and perform the manual translation can be eliminated by the use of a natural language system that brings the interface or platform for a human (natural) language to be communicated into another language serving as a language dictionary.

The ability to operate computers using spoken commands or typed input in the form of plain, natural language has come to be used to describe all computing environments including both hardware and software that in some way or another process natural language input. Natural language input can include typed text, electronic data or spoken voice input.

More so, with the advent of automation of natural language (ANL), it seems reasonable to expect that a machines with many capabilities (computer) could be used to translate text from one language say English to Igbo, English to Chinese etc. for instance a natural language machine could only need an English dictionary written into memory/ database and a program giving instructions for manipulating data.

The computer would produce an English translation of the Igbo text by re-arranging these words where necessary. This, in a way, could make English paper available to Igbo scholars who do not understand English and thereby aid the language learning process. Much older than communication problems between human beings and machines are those between people with different mother tongues. One of the original aims of computational linguistics and computer science (which is concerned with the computational aspects of language faculty) has always been the automatic translation between human languages. From bitter experiences, scientists have realized that they are still far away from achieving the ambitious goals of translating unrestricted texts. Nevertheless, efforts have been made by computational linguistics at developing a software system that will simplify the work of human translators and clearly improve their productivity.

A perfect automatic translation can also be of great help to information seekers who have to search through large amounts of texts or foreign languages. The rapid growth of the internet or world wide web (www) and the emergence of information society pose existing new challenges to language technology. Although the new media combines text, graphics, sounds and movies, the whole world of multimedia information can only be structured, indexed and navigated through language.

The use of natural language database communications has been the most successful communication application of natural language technology. These systems convert a user’s typed request (in plain language) into a query that can be understood by the database management system and then return that request to the user in English or another natural language.

The English language, like any other language, is unique and a history. The birth of English language dates back to 449CE during the Anglo- Saxon era when people from Germany invaded England. These invaders were made up of three Germanic tribes-the angles, the Saxon and the jute. These tribes were the founders of English culture and English language. They gave England her name and her language. This ancient language with its parent in Germany has advanced over the centuries through the gun and gospel to gain the acceptance of many nations of the world. Such nations have been found to adopt English as their mother tongue, their central language for communication, their first language or their lingua franca. Such was the case of Nigeria.

Nigeria was a beautiful and green country land flanked by the north-east by the river Benue and the North-west by the river Niger and uniting almost at the country’s centre at the confluence from Lokoja. For the crown of England to administer the social, political and economic affairs of the Niger area beautified by the divisive variety of more than 200 languages, the British disoriented them into the use of a language that would unite them to the benefit of the then crown of England. Thus the English language became the lingua franca in the Niger area of Nigeria.

Several advances and success have been recorded due to advancements in the technological world of computing. Among these is the development of MEPS, an acronym for multi-language electronic prototyping system, a computerized system that supports printing in more than 370 languages. MEPS was somehow believed to make writing in different languages easy. Writing is a creative effort that must be done by a person, not a machine.

Hence, the focus of this work is to survey (investigate), analyze, design, implement, and display if possible a computer-based natural language communication or a program called English-soft which is a too consisting of a database of text segments in a source language and their translations in one or more target languages. This system is a great tool for communicating with a person who does not speak your language and vice-versa. The major use of logical languages has been the development of tools that allow computers to understand and produce sentences written in human languages such as English, French or Japanese. Although the natural language tools are still confined to rather limited domains, they are already valuable in some areas and are making steady progress.

This study is aimed at finding out efficient and effective ways of successfully interpreting and translating natural languages (human) into a form that the computer can both understand as well as translate into their equivalent meaning in another language. The focal point of this study is English and providing a one-to-one translation equivalent between English and Igbo languages.



Having stated the benefits of natural language translating using computer systems specially designed for it, it is said to note that the procedures involved in the translation of a particular human language into another have always been a rigorous one. There are several reasons why natural language processing has failed to be communication exploited. The problems often associated or encountered among others include:

  • Inability to serve as a communication
  • High degree of ambiguity.
  • Time wastage in language translation.
  • The language may be difficult to communicate or translate.
  • Inaccuracy in language translation.
  • Unavailability of material where language are translated accordingly.
  • Over-dependence on a great deal of world knowledge
  • Some natural languages are so restrict
  • Lack of a sufficient powerful hardware.

Conventional wisdom in the field of human-computer interaction is that natural language is nowhere near as an attractive a communication alternatives as it initially appears. The literature tends to focus on failures of such communications to achieve what was expected of them. As an example, an introductory human-computer interaction text dismisses natural language communications on the grounds that language is ambiguous. Successful implementations are thus characterized as being sufficiently restricted in syntax or lexicon as to call into doubt their status as a natural language.




Usually, the degree of ambiguity in natural language is considered too extreme for it ever to be used effectively as a communication style. Further, when systems used constraints on the structures and lexicon of a system to limit ambiguity, it is assumed that the user will be required to learn what structures are acceptable, making natural languages no more useful or learnable than formal command languages.


  Unfortunately, natural language is often ambiguous and is dependent on a great deal of world knowledge. In order to implement a working natural language system, one must usually restrict it to cover a limited subset of the vocabulary and syntax of a full natural language. This allows ambiguity to be reduced and processing time to be kept within reasonable bounds. In order for it to still be considered natural language communications, most of the positive traits of a general natural language communication would have to be maintained. To retain the properties of ease of use and ease of remembering, to the user without requiring them to learn the rules explicitly.


In an effort to generate an equivalent one-to translate from one particular language say English -to–Igbo, a lot of time is wasted. This is seen to occur because humans, not computers are used to do the actual translating process and this leads to waste of time.



The objectives of the natural language communication are to progress natural languages on building computer language systems that process communication of natural languages in, publishers of any meaningful sense. (Association for i.e, systems that interact reasonably advancement with people in natural artificial language) and also to develop the software that will require the consideration of what is said literally, what is intended and the relationship between the two.


Natural language communication is a subtopic of natural language processing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine reading comprehension.

It is the process of disassembling and parsing inputs is more complex than the reverse process of assembling output in natural language generation because of the occurrence of unknown and unexpected features in the input and the need unknown and unexpected features in the input and the need to determine the appropriate syntactic and semantic schemes to apply to it, factors which are predetermined when outputting language.



This work is to enable systems with an easy to use or English like syntax are, however, quite distinct from systems that use a rich lexicon and include internal representation (often as first-order logic) of the semantics of natural language sentences.



This study focuses and describes the design and implementation of a natural language communication. In this work, we introduce software called Engloibo- soft which simplifies the incorporation of natural language into forms that can easily be understood by persons who speak other languages. Its aim is to allow easy communication and translation/automated) between these two languages using English and Igbo languages as a case study. It critically reviews the inefficiencies of Manual conversion and re-examines the benefits of automated translation method using the computer system as an aid to achieving this.


1.8            DEFINITION OF TERMS

AUTOMATION: This can be defined as the act or practice of using that which needs little or human control investigation, especially in a place of work.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: This is a branch of computer science that seeks to enable computers and machines to mimic human intelligence and sensory processing ability, and models human behaviour with computers to improve our understanding of intelligence.

The collection of computations that, at any time make it possible to assist users to perceive reasons and act etc.

COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS: It is a discipline between linguistics and computer science which is concerned with the computational aspects of cognitive science and overlaps with the field of artificial intelligence(AI)

EXPERT SYSTEM: A computer system that can provide information and expert advice on a particular subject. This program asks users a series of questions about their problems and gives them advice based on its store of knowledge. It seeks to mimic human intelligence.

GRAMMER: A grammar of a language is a scheme for specifying the sentences in that language. It indicates the syntactic rules for combing words into well-formed phrases and clause.

COMMUNICATION: The way a computer program presents information to a user or receives information from a user.

LANGUAGE: A systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventional signs, sounds, gestures. It can be said to be the instrument for speech communication of speech that enables all humans to interact or communicate.

NATURAL LANGUAGE: It refers to the language that people speak, like English, Japanese’s, Igbo, Yoruba, as opposed to artificial languages like programming logic.

PHRASING: The ‘de- linearization’ of linguistic input, that is the use of grammatical rules and other knowledge sources to determine the functions of words in the input sentence.

TRANSLATION MEMORY MANAGER (TMM): These are tools consisting of a database of text segments in a source language and their translation in one or more target languages.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of natural language communication