Full Project – Mobile responsive online based test system with a 2-factor authentication mode

Full Project – Mobile responsive online based test system with a 2-factor authentication mode

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1.0     Background of the Study

Examination has been a means of testing the ability of students after taking a course of study within duration of time. Every academic institution or such that undertakes any form of training conducts examinations for participants of such training. Examination is defined as a formal test of knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill (Soanes & Angus, 2003). Examinations can be held in several forms to include oral, written, or both. The most common form of examination however has been written type. Candidates of such exams uses paper and any writing materials such as pen, pencils, etc, as the case may be. In order to meet up with emerging technologies however, several institutions now use the computer to write exams.

Although, the use of the computer in writing exams has helped in making markings and recordings easier, as well as display of results and easy retrieval of examination records; security of most computer based examination systems has been a challenge which institutions and developers try to solve. Today, organized cyber criminals are trying hard towards research and development of advanced hacking methods that can be used to steal secured and confidential information from the computer systems, of which Examination systems is not an exception. Attacks on examination systems have been on the sole motive of altering grades or accessing the system via bots (robots). Bots are programs written by hackers to crack the information in the web in order to steal. Password authentication is one of the most common building blocks in implementing access control. Each user has a relatively short sequence of characters commonly referred to as a password. To gain access, providing right password is essential. Common attack for breaking password authenticated systems is dictionary attack. Another challenge on computer based examination systems has been mobile responsiveness. Most CBT systems can only be usable efficiently on computer systems and screens. Smart phones are now leading in the tech world today, and most systems are being adjusted to fit in to using mobile phones. This however saves cost as the cost of purchasing computer systems for institutions as well as powering them even is sometimes an overhead cost. This has however been a major limitation to the use of Computer Based Examination Systems in several academic institutions.

The model for this research work is a research paper by Okolie P. (2015) on Design and Implementation of Online Computer Based Test (CBT) System. The objectives of the research was to develop a system that will allow students take examination online and make result available for students at when due – when the examiners are set with all exams scripting procedures. The researcher has however spotted some challenges / limitations to the system proposed by Okolie P. (2015). The said system lacked ability to provide immediate result for the examination candidates. More so, the system was susceptible to hacking as candidates are being authenticated with only password. Many students use simple passwords such as their year of birth, phone numbers, names etc. Intelligently programmed bots easily can retrieve these info from their profiles and gain access to the system and perform all necessary harms.

The researcher thus is proffering a Computer Based Test (CBT) system with mobile accessibility, password authenticated, and Bots-Proof using Text CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) Authentication.

1.1     Statement of the Problem

The researcher after investigations has identified the challenges associated with the current system to include:

  1. Inability to use the system effectively on mobile devices
  2. Inability to display result immediately after writing the exam
  • A weak or single authentication mode making the system susceptible to hacking.

1.2     Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research work is to develop a two-step authenticated mobile accessible computer based test system. The following are the objectives:

  1. To develop a mobile accessible and responsive CBT system.
  2. To develop a CBT system that will provide result for candidates immediately on submission.
  • To develop a system that enforces higher security using password and CAPTCHA authentication.

1.3     Significance of the Study

This research work play very important role for establishing security not just in student examinations but also for industries like law enforcement, forensic science community and with general public. More so, students, researchers, and developers will find this research work very important as it will serve as basis for further researches and for developing similar systems.

1.4     Scope of the Study

Due to several limitations, the researcher has however narrowed the scope of this study. Thus, this project shall allow candidates to create user accounts, write examinations, and check results. It will also allow administrators of the system to set examinations and provide useful reports.


1.5     Limitations of the Study

The researcher faced several challenges in the course of this study. Some of the factors which acted as an impediment or constraints to the progress of this project work include:

  1. Lack of Documented materials: It was difficult to start the project initially because reference materials at my disposal are limited.
  2. Financial constraint is another factor that limited the researcher in owning out this project effectively.
  • Reluctance by the respondents in giving information fearing that the information sought would be used to intimidate them or print a negative image about them.

1.6     Definition of Terms

Authentication:         The process of identifying someone base on users name or password in security system.

Bots:                           A program written by hackers to crack the information in the web in order to steal.

Database:                   A collection of related information which can be stored and retrieved.

Driven:                       Determined to succeed and working very hard to received it

Examination:             A measure for the test of knowledge.

Finger Print:              An impression on a surface of the curves formed by the ridges on a fingertip.

Impersonation:          General process of acting on behalf of a client.

Impersonator:           A performed skilled at copying the manner or expression of another mime.



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Full Project – Mobile responsive online based test system with a 2-factor authentication mode