Full Project – Online terrorism detection system using data mining

Full Project – Online terrorism detection system using data mining

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1.0       Background of the Study

According to AU’s article 1 (3), Terrorism is defined as any act which is a violation of the criminal laws of a State Party and which may endanger the life, physical integrity or freedom of, or cause serious injury or death to any person, any number or group of persons or causes or may cause damage to public or private property, natural resources, environmental or cultural heritage and is calculated or intended to:

  1. Intimidate, put in fear, coerce or induce any government, body, institution, the general public or any segment thereof, to do or abstain from doing any act, or to adopt or abandon a particular standpoint or to act according to certain principles; or
  2. Disrupt any public service, the delivery of any essential service to the public or to create a public emergency; or
  • Create general insurrection in a State.


The AU, in article 3(1), also notes that:

  1. The struggle waged by peoples in accordance with the principles of international law for their liberation or self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression and domination by foreign forces.
  2. Political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other motives shall not be a justifiable defense against a terrorist act.


More so, in recent decades, as it’s become clear that the internet can be used to connect people both for good and for ill, Face book and other social media companies have made it a priority to minimize the way criminals can use new technology. One of the greatest challenges in this arena has been terror groups, which have embraced the internet as a way to spread propaganda and recruit others to their extremist ideologies. These groups don’t confine their efforts to one social media service or online distribution mechanism. Instead, they try a variety of avenues to get their message out.But even as governments, companies and nonprofits have battled terrorist propaganda online, social media companies have faced a complex question over what’s the best way to tackle a global challenge that can proliferate in different ways, across different parts of the web.

Often analysts and observers will ask that, with the vast databases and advanced technology, why can’t social media companies block nefarious activity using technology alone. The truth remains that both technology and people are needed to stop the spread of terrorist content across the entire internet. It is based on this that the researcher painstakingly undertakes the voyage through the Online Terrorism Detection System which uses data mining to analyze audio and visual content for terrorism propaganda in our communities, and also to checking terrorist attempts to recruit people to their cause, and then spread fear in our society.


1.1       Statement of the Problem

The manual means of fighting terrorism has failed drastically both in the past and in recent times.  These methods includes:

  1. Relying on community policing/vigilante groups
  2. Declaring state of Emergency in some communities through selective engagement;
  • Securitizing the physical relationships/contacts of individuals, terrorists, intending terrorist and sponsors of terrorism
  1. Unintentionally giving the appearance that the police support particular individuals or groups, which could either undermine the legitimacy of those in a position to exercise a positive influence within the community or alienate other community members or communities.

Thus, these and more are the problems facing the traditional method of detecting and handling terrorism/terrorist movements and efforts.

1.2       Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this project is to design a model that will assist in detecting terrorism and planned attacks. In accordance with this aim, the specific objectives for achieving the aim are:

  1. Curb the spread of terrorism and terrorist activities using data mining technique
  2. Ensure that any person who participates in the financing, planning, prepa­ration or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is tracked down.
  • Keep records of terrorist, terrorist sponsors and terrorism in general
  1. Make it quite easy to carry out all of these activities through the net

1.3       Significance of the Study

The importance of this research work are as follows;

  1. The system will avoid/keep in check the activities of terrorist thereby reducing it to the barest minimum
  2. It will reduce the risk in loss of lives and properties as the face to face combats will be reduced
  • Ensure that there is a clear distinction between counterterrorism opera­tions and community police work and also ensure that there is effective co-ordination between these operations;
  1. It will create an avenue for members of the armed forces to be trained and properly managed

1.4       Scope and Limitation of the Study

This work is bounded between the following scopes;

  1. The detection algorithm would be based on the content of existing terrorist sites and known terrorist traffic on the Web.
  2. Detection would be carried out in real-time. This goal can be achieved only if terrorist information interests are presented in a compact manner for efficient processing.
  • The detection sensitivity should be controlled by user-defined parameters to enable calibration of the desired detection performance.

However, this work was also limited to consulting networking manuals, textbooks and handouts as well as the use of internet services. Other problem like the financial constraint, syntax and semantic programming error etc. were encountered. All these had in one way contributed to the inaccuracy and perfection of the design system.

 1.5       Definition of Terms

  1. Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  2. Terrorist: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
  3. System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.
  4. Terrorist Attack: act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act. the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. coup de main, surprise attack.
  5. Data: it is a collection of raw facts, charts and objects that are processed to produce meaningful and useful information.
  6. Suspect: someone that is presumed to be guilty without prove.
  7. Data Mining Technique: methods used are top downreasoning where we start with a hypothesisand then determine whether the hypothesisis true or bottom up reasoning where westart with examples and then come up with ahypothesis


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Full Project – Online terrorism detection system using data mining