Full Project – Web-based automated laundry management system

Full Project – Web-based automated laundry management system

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Laundry is the washing of clothing and linens. Laundry processes are often done in a room reserved for that purpose; in an individual home this is referred to as a laundry room or utility room. The material that is being washed, or has been laundered, is also generally referred to as laundry. Laundry was first done in watercourses, letting the water carry away the materials which could cause stains and smells. Laundry is still done this way in some less industrialized areas and rural regions (Raymond, 2015).

As everyone is busy with their professional life, getting automated laundry service management at their doorstep makes life stress-free. Clean clothes enhance personality of a person. Professionals, who are running their business or are doing corporate jobs, have a time demand always and thus sees home laundry as overhead stress. For them a laundry service is blessedness. It would be convenient, fast, and easy to get connected with. Doorstep laundry services provide garments washed, ironed and neatly delivered in a convenient bag. Laundry management involves processes such as pick-up or delivery, payments, categorizing items, pricing.

Lorenzo (2016) explained that Management Information System is a system or a process that provides the information necessary to manage an organization effectively. MIS and the information it generates are generally considered essential components of prudent and reasonable business/organizational decisions. A management information system is a computerized database of financial, administrative and programmatic information organized and programmed in such a way that it produces regular reports on operations for every level of management in an organization.

The main purpose of the management information system is to give managers feedback about their own performance; top management can monitor the organization as a whole. Today’s modernization flow of the world has witnessed tremendous change in lifestyle of society. Computerized system in managing laundry has been well accepted especially in developing countries. This service is well accepted because it gives flexibility in terms of time for laundry management team to use it and this really helps them with their time management. Laundry management system is new system that replaced the file system which most of laundry shop used. Laundry management system is developed in order to ease the management in the laundry shop and to change the manual business process to the systematic business process. The Laundry management system is developed for the managers and staffs that rolled onto the Laundry business (Zalilawati, 2018).


The advent of management information systems can be dated to decades ago. Throughout the 1970s this was largely limited to files, file maintenance, and the life cycle management of paper-based files, other media and records. With the proliferation of information technology starting in the 1970s, the job of information management took on a new light, and also began to include the field of data maintenance (Neo et al, 2013). No longer was information management a simple job that could be performed by almost anyone.

An understanding of the technology involved, and the theory behind it became necessary. As information storage shifted to electronic means, this became more and more difficult. By the late 1990s when information was regularly disseminated across computer networks and by other electronic means, network managers, in a sense, became information managers. With the latest tools available, information management has become a powerful resource and a large expense, as well as risk, for many organizations, (Brown, 2016).

The origin of laundry services started in the ancient Roman laundry. With their well developed urban systems Romans were the first to offer public laundry services. Fullones, the clothes washers, were in charge of washing and cleaning the garments of the Roman citizens. ​As the Romans generally wore clothes made out of wool (there was no cotton in ancient Rome) they needed frequent washing in the hot climate of Italy. In ancient Rome laundry was a man’s job. The clothes were first washed, which was done in tubs or vats, where they were trodden upon and stamped by the feet of the fullones. After the clothes had been washed, they were hung out to dry, and were allowed to be placed in the street before the doors of the fullonica. When dry, the wool was brushed and carded to raise the nap, sometimes with the skin of a hedgehog, and sometimes with some plants of the thistle kind. The clothes were then hung on a special basket – viminea cavea, under which sulphur was placed in order to whiten the cloth (Brown, 2016).

Management information system finds application in many institutions; financial, Health, Educational, Government, other corporate institutions, servicing industries such as laundry services, etc. The servicing industry which is the scope of this study uses management information system at different levels to keep track of customers and services rendering activities.


The management of laundry services including the scheduling of pickups, delivery, limited payment options and management of client records in the laundry business causes hiccups to business owners and customers. This has caused businesses and customers to incur avoidable costs. The Laundry Management system will ease the process of Managing Laundry. The uses of manual system also create an additional workload for staff to keep and obtain the customer and staff information because this information is kept in a different file. Manual systems are time consuming, as the business owner must keep track of Laundry sales on a daily basis, while updating the system manually at the end of the day. A manual Laundry system requires employees and managers to write down each time a services been processed in the Laundry.


The aim of the study is to automate the laundry management system. The objectives are as follows;

  1. To identify, collect and analyze requirements for the laundry management system.
  2. To test and validate the web based laundry management system operation


The objective of this project is to develop a Laundry management application to ease the processes involved in managing laundry including record keeping, payments, invoices, scheduling delivery and pick up of laundry. By embracing this laundry management application, businesses and customers will be able to effectively deal with the process of managing laundry in a scheduled manner that does not inconvenience the customer or strain the business owner. Clients will enjoy efficient scheduling, processing, pick-up and delivery of laundry saving them time.


The focus of this study is on developing laundry management system for the ONOWU Laundry services, Otefe-Oghara.


The limitation of the study includes the unavailability of reference materials that will enhance the successful implementation of the study. In course of analyzing the existing problem, most of the business managers were on the principle of confidentiality and ethical practice which hindered the amount of information that helped in implementing the design for the study.


Laundry: a place where clothes and linen are washed and ironed. It can also be regarded as the clothes or linen washed and ironed.

Laundry services: People usually pay by weight for their laundry, with the service washing, drying, and folding the laundry. Additional services like stain treatment, dry cleaning, and ironing may also be offered at some laundry service

Management information system: A management information system is an information system used for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization.

Modules: This can be described a search of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item.

Admin: This is the administration of a business, organization

Username: This is an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.

Password: This is a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to a place.

Table: A basic unit of data storage in an Oracle Database. Data is stored in rows and columns.

Microsoft Access: Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tool.


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Full Project – Web-based automated laundry management system