Full Project – Web based duty roster system for federal medical center (FMC)

Full Project – Web based duty roster system for federal medical center (FMC)

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The health sector is one which is here to stay. The hospital business is one that doesn’t work with time or season, there are ways a patient in need of treatment. As the world population grows, there is a growing need for more hospitals in the world especially in rural areas. The number of recurring cases of diseases in individuals and families has also increased through the century. With the coming of the technological age and use of technology even in the medical field for treatment purposes, people are thinking of more ways to use technology to ease the stress of managing hospitals and looking at how it would affect patients’ health. Hospital information management systems came into existence as a result of that need. Hospital information management systems encompass all of the information processing functions, as well as the human and technical actors involved in their information processing roles (Ammenwerth, 2002). Ammenwerth (2002) further stated that the information processing roles of hospitals include; Treatment of patients, handling of patient records, work organization and resource planning, hospital management and research and education. Each of these roles are equally important and cannot be downplayed. Failure of anyone can lead to toppling of the entire structure.

The government of Nigeria owns the largest network of hospitals in Nigeria- Federal Medical Centre. These hospitals are located in every state of the federation. As a “hospital of the people”, the hospital is saddled with the responsibility of catering for the needs to the citizens of the federation.  To subsidize the amount paid in medical fees, the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was devised to alleviate the financial burden on the people. Despite this help, the fact still remains that Nigerians prefer going to private hospitals for treatment despite their extravagant prices. This is because the organization of processes within these federal hospitals is deplorable and as such, loss of lives are blamed on its deplorable state. This is a clear example where in the information management processes above, one process left neglected has affected the remaining. The government is constantly making plans and executing projects that is meant to better the quality of health care within the hospitals but have neglected to focus on the organization of staff within hospitals.



According to Reinhold (2006), Hospital information management systems are complexes or systems of processing data, information and knowledge in the hospital environment. It is part of a health information system. Winter et al (2001) defined hospital information management system as that socio-technical subsystem of a hospital, which comprises all information processing actions as well as the associated human or technical actors in their respective information processing role.


Despite the world’s advances in medicine, the medical practice in Nigeria is slow in catching up. There are still large deficiencies in the quality services provided by hospitals. Most of them being technological and still largely beyond our reach, but there are still things that are within our reach which can be done to improve the quality of medical practices but are still yet to be done. One is improving the organization of staff (especially nurses) in hospitals. Nurses are crucial to providing high quality healthcare. High quality healthcare depends on extensive and carefully planned information processing. According to Kane (2007) citing Gardiner (1992), stated that increasing the nurse-to-patient ratio has been recommended as a means of improving patient safety. In our government hospitals within Nigeria, the nurse-to-patient ratio is poor and those already employed in hospitals are not properly distributed across the hospitals. To better understand the relationship between nurses and patients and the role of duty organization in that relationship, there are pertinent questions to be asked:

  • How does the daily organization of nurses affect patients?
  • What can be done in hospitals to improve1 the current situation of nurses’ duty organization?
  • What can be done to ensure the longevity of these plans?

These questions above aim to explain patients’ expectation of the hospital management and staff. From the discussions above, the main problems associated with nurse duty organization in hospitals are as follows:

  • Nurses are unable to execute designated duties at an optimal performance due to unevenly rationed working hours.
  • Patients are not properly accounted for at all times because of less than optimal organization of nurses on rosters.
  • Rosters are drawn up manually and subject to errors that upset the balance of the hospital.


Many hospitals in other countries have computerized many operations performed within them including duty allocations of staff, Nigerian hospitals still perform these operations manually. This process is cumbersome and riddled with problems. Computerizing these services has helped these foreign hospitals ease the treatment of patients. Therefore, there is a need for access to easy, complete and quick program for hospital management in order to draw up rosters for nurses. This research investigates how hospital management respond to patient requirements and how it is suitable and effective to patients. The overall objective of this study is to specify and evaluate the organization of nurses within hospitals. The study aims at evaluating the current state of hospital information management systems and specifying the practical system to facilitate organization of nurses in a duty roster.

The objectives of the study are as follows:

  1. To explore the attitude and the level of satisfaction towards the nurses among hospital patients.
  1. To evaluate the facilities and services (especially related duty roster creation) provided by the hospital management in public hospitals in Nigeria.
  2. To determine the effectiveness of the duty organization services provided by the hospital management especially the weakness and strong points.
  1. To evaluate the similarities and differences between the computerized duty roster and manually drawn duty roster.
  1. To develop an appropriate system prototype for the hospital management that nurses and patients and provide better services for patients. A simple user interface will be developed for creating and updating the roster regularly.



Use of computerized hospital information systems in Nigeria is in a dismal state. The use of manual methods in activities such as duty allocation is still prevalent. A look at government owned hospitals in Nigeria over the years, will let you know that the number of patient intakes- both admitted and unadmitted patients- have increased rapidly over the years. The need of more staff in hospitals is an issue that is constantly being addressed by the federal government. Evident in these hospitals are the lack of proper organization of staff. The main objective of this research is to develop an online duty roster application for nurses in federal hospitals in Nigeria. This system also should gather information to help the hospital administration in decision making in relationnurses’ needs and issues.

The aspects of this research include the following:

  1. To survey the existing services offered by the hospital administration in major Nigerian hospitalssuch as the Federal Medical Center.
  2. To evaluate and analyze the existing services offered by the hospital administration for its nurses in federal hospitals in Nigeria.
  3. To find out the proper type of services to facilitate organization of nurses.
  4. To discuss the results of evaluation and problem elicitation to gather requirements for the designing of online duty roster application for nurses.


From the issues mentioned in the statement of the problem the system and research work should be able to provide solution. The issues presented by the current situation of is one of great importance to the society as adequate organization of staff improves patient healthcare the country has. The significance of the research work is to provide a framework for nurses of hospitals. The platform will perform the following;

  • Provide a means for nurses to be assigned stations throughout the hospital on a daily basis.
  • Provides a means for hospital administrators to assess nurses to optimize working procedure based on things like estimated physical performance of nurses.


  1. The design being a web-based design requires finance in terms of getting a secure server and securing a domain name. There will be need for security implementations to avoid the site from being hacked and ensure an all-round high level of security.
  2. Finally, the time required to develop this software is taken into account because of the technology involved and the test run which is necessary to make sure the system is secured and effective.


  1. Roster: A list of jobs to be done by members of an organization and often with the date/time that they are expected to do them.
  2. Online: Connected via computer attached to or available via a central computer network.
  3. Administrator: The person responsible for maintaining and operating a computer system.
  4. Network host: is a computer or other device connected to a computer network. A network host may offer information resources, services, and applications to users or other nodes on the network. A network host is a network node that is assigned a network address.


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Full Project – Web based duty roster system for federal medical center (FMC)