Impact of Classroom Management and Control on Pupils Academic Performance in Primary School in District II Yaba Lagos State


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1.1   Background to the Study

The classroom is that space bounded by the wall and roof which a teacher houses his pupils/pupils for the purpose of giving instruction to such pupils /pupils. In other words, it is a shelter for both teachers and learners so as to engage in educative activities. Classroom teaching is a complex task in a complex environment. The classroom is the immediate management environment for formal knowledge acquisition. It is made up of the teacher, the learners, learning equipment and the environment. Usually a primary school teacher is in a modest-sized room with between 20 to 40 pupils. Kimberly (2001) stated the five characteristics of a classroom as security, open communication, mutual liking, shared goals and connectedness.

Most formal organizations like primary schools are aimed at effective and efficient management of the human and material resources available for the attainment of organizational goals. The classroom teacher is charged with lots of functions to perform in the teaching and learning process. One of the most challenging functions of the classroom teacher is classroom management and control. The teacher’s effectiveness in teaching is assessed by his ability to use varied classroom management techniques to control pupils towards effective and meaningful learning during instruction (Kolawole, 2004).

Meaningful teaching and learning cannot be achieved in a classroom environment characterized by noise making and other distractions by pupils. The academic achievement of pupils of a particular classroom can be attributed to the teachers ability to manage and control the classroom during instruction. Oyira (2006) reported that the variables that measures` the classroom learning environment as perceived by pupils actually predicts their attitude towards schooling and academic performance.

All educational plans of a school involving teaching and learning takes place in the classroom. According to Kyriacou (2005) the classroom is the meeting point for both teachers and pupils where curricular activities are implemented. Educational objectives cannot be fully achieved without the use of conducive classroom environment. The classroom is characterized by a network of interpersonal relationships directed at the attainment of educational goals. Oyira, (2006) refers interpersonal relationship as the reciprocal behaviour that occurs between individuals such as exchange of information, exchange of expression and mutual activities. Good classroom environment must be well ventilated, fully supplied with chairs and desks, have adequate spatial arrangement, have sizeable chalkboard, good floors, beautiful walls and lightings (Kolawole, 2004). A good classroom environment facilitates desirable behaviour and attitude among pupils and thus enhancing their academic performance positively. Such an environment provides avenue for effective teacher/pupils and pupils/pupils interaction.

Classroom management is a prerequisite for achieving instructional objectives and safeguarding the well being of pupils for whom the teaching and learning activities are centered (Ogunu, 2000). Classroom management entails planning, supervising, controlling and coordinating the activities of pupils in teaching “learning process. According to Grieser (2007), successful classroom management enhances pupils questioning and exploration only if the learning environment is conducive. Classroom management techniques as used in this study, refers to tactics adopted by teachers to ensure decorum in the classroom and thus create a healthy and conducive atmosphere for learning.

Management on the other hand, can be seen as the process of designing and maintaining any setting in which people work in groups for the purpose of accomplishing predetermined goals. The idea of any setting equally indicates that management is applicable to all establishments which do not exonerate educational setting. The Oxford dictionary (6th edition) defines management as the act of running or controlling or skill of dealing with people or situations in any way.

Classroom management is the term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by pupils. The term also implies that the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed experienced problems in this area cause some to leave teaching altogether.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In Nigerian primary schools, the most common problem reported by teachers is those that relate to behavior management in the classroom (Offorma, 1994). The evidence is irrefutable, surveys of graduatesŸ education schools and colleges indicate that sometimes in an attempt to maintain order in the classroom sometimes teachers can actually make the problem worse which leads to known implications such as; lackadaisical attitude towards learning, loss of interest in the subject and in general a poor academic performance of such a child. Considering this observation, one wonders the extent these teachers are aware of and apply research supported classroom behavior management skills.

It has also been observed that pupils no longer have interest in education. Since classroom management is a keystone for pupils learning and has been cited by virtually every researcher and reviewer who looked at the relationship between educational practices and pupil results (Idu, 2003).

If the school authorities and teachers emphasize more on how to implement classroom management skills perhaps these problems stated above could be minimized. However, there is a need to determine the strategies teachers perceive to be effective in handling disruptive behavior in primary schools, therefore this research work will look into better ways of implementing effective management strategies which aid in the improvement of pupils and also how the interest of pupils in the subject could be regained.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to examine effect of classroom management and control on pupils’ academic performance in Primary School in District II. Basically the study will look into:

  1. The classroom techniques that are appropriate for pupils’ learning.
  2. The relationship between classroom management and pupils academic performance.
  3. Strategies for enhancing pupil’s performance through effective classroom management.

1.4       Research Questions

The study is guided by the following research questions:

  1. What are the classroom techniques that are appropriate for pupils’ learning?
  2. Is there any relationship between classroom management and pupils academic performance?
  3. What are the strategies for enhancing pupil’s performance through effective classroom management?

1.5       Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses were developed for the study:

Ho1:     There is no significant impact of teachers’ qualification on pupils’ academic performance in Primary School.

 1.6       Significance of the Study

The significance of the study are stated below

The school administrators: The findings from the study will enlighten them on the factors affecting classroom management and control on pupils’ academic performance in Primary School.

Teachers: The study will serve as a guide to teachers on how strategically enhance classroom management and as such district education officers, district inspectors of schools to realize the effects of poor classroom management on pupils’ performance.

School Proprietors: it will enable primary school proprietors to be able to plan systematically for the provision of good classroom which enhance pupils’ academic performance

Researchers: It will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and will help other researchers when working on related issues.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The scope of the study covers all the teachers who are currently working in Primary schools located within Education District II Lagos State. Only the aspect of impact of classroom management and control on pupils’ academic performance in primary school will be covered.

1.8       Operational Definition of terms

The under listed terms are relevant to this research study:

Classroom management: Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by pupils.

Pupil:  Pupil is a person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in primary school.

Teacher: A teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils.

Job Performance: This is the work related activities expected of an employee and how well those activities were executed.

Classroom: A room or place especially in a school in which classes are conducted.

Primary School: A primary school or elementary school is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education from the ages of about five to eleven, coming before primary school and after preschool.

 Click here to Get this Complete Project Chapter 1-5    Number of Pages: 57 with Questionnaire






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