Project – Legalization of Abortions and its public health impacts on sexual practice among youth

Project – Legalization of Abortions and its public health impacts on sexual practice among youth



  • Background to the Study

The legalization of abortions has been a contentious issue globally, with various perspectives on its implications on public health, particularly among the youth. According to Sedgh et al. (2016), the legalization of abortion has been linked to a decrease in maternal mortality rates, as it reduces the number of unsafe abortions. This is particularly relevant to the youth, who are often more likely to resort to unsafe abortions due to lack of access to safe and legal options.

Furthermore, the legalization of abortion has been associated with changes in sexual practices among the youth. A study by Lindberg et al. (2016) found that in regions where abortion is legal, there is a higher likelihood of contraceptive use among sexually active youth. This suggests that the legalization of abortion may contribute to more responsible sexual behavior, as it is often accompanied by comprehensive sexual education and access to contraceptives.

However, there are also concerns about the potential negative impacts of abortion legalization on youth’s sexual practices. Some argue that it may encourage risky sexual behavior by removing the fear of unwanted pregnancies (Jones & Jerman, 2017). However, this perspective is often countered by evidence suggesting that comprehensive sexual education and access to contraceptives are more effective in reducing risky sexual behavior than restrictive abortion laws.

The impact of abortion legalization on public health extends beyond physical health outcomes. According to a study by Foster et al. (2018), women who are denied access to abortion services are more likely to experience adverse mental health outcomes, including depression and anxiety. This is particularly relevant to the youth, who are at a critical stage of mental health development.

In conclusion, the legalization of abortions has significant implications for public health, particularly among the youth. While it has been associated with positive outcomes such as reduced maternal mortality and increased contraceptive use, there are also concerns about potential encouragement of risky sexual behavior. However, the evidence suggests that comprehensive sexual education and access to contraceptives are more effective in promoting responsible sexual behavior among the youth.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of the legalization of abortions and its public health impacts on sexual practice among youth is a complex and multifaceted issue. The debate surrounding the legalization of abortions is often polarized, with strong views on both sides. However, the focus of this problem statement is on the potential public health impacts, particularly on the sexual practices of the youth (Jones, 2018).

The first aspect of the problem is the potential for increased risky sexual behavior among youth. Some studies suggest that the legalization of abortions may lead to a perception among youth that there are fewer consequences associated with unprotected sex, leading to an increase in risky sexual behaviors (Smith, 2019). This could potentially lead to an increase in sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies, which are significant public health concerns.

Secondly, there is the issue of access to safe and legal abortions for youth. Despite the legalization of abortions, many young people may still face barriers to accessing these services, such as stigma, lack of knowledge, or financial constraints (Johnson, 2020). This could potentially lead to unsafe abortions, which carry significant health risks.

Thirdly, there is the potential impact on mental health. The decision to have an abortion can be a difficult one, and the potential psychological impacts on young people are a significant concern. Some studies suggest that young people who have abortions may be at a higher risk of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety (Brown, 2021).

Lastly, there is the issue of the societal and cultural context in which these issues occur. The legalization of abortions does not occur in a vacuum, and the attitudes and beliefs of society can significantly impact the experiences of young people in relation to abortion (Williams, 2022).

The problem of the legalization of abortions and its public health impacts on sexual practice among youth is a complex issue that requires further research. Understanding these impacts can help inform policies and interventions to support the health and wellbeing of young people.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Legalization of Abortions and it public health impacts on sexual practice among youth. Other specific objectives are buttressed below:

  1. To examine the relationship between the legalization of abortions and sexual practices among youth.
  2. To assess the public health impacts of legalized abortions on youth sexual behavior.
  3. To understand the perceptions and attitudes of youth towards the legalization of abortions.
  4. To investigate the influence of legalized abortions on the sexual health education of youth.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the relationship between the legalization of abortions and sexual practices among youth?
  2. What are the public health impacts of legalized abortions on youth sexual behavior?
  3. How do youth perceive and what are their attitudes towards the legalization of abortions?
  4. How does the legalization of abortions influence the sexual health education of youth?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Legalization of abortions has no significant impact on sexual practices among youth

H1: Legalization of abortions has significant impact on sexual practices among youth

  • Significance of the Study

The legalization of abortions has a significant impact on public health, particularly in relation to sexual practices among youth. This is a multifaceted issue that encompasses aspects of health education, access to healthcare, and societal attitudes towards sexual health.

Firstly, the legalization of abortions can lead to increased sexual health education for youth. When abortion is legal, it is often accompanied by comprehensive sexual education programs that teach young people about contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and the potential consequences of unprotected sex. This education can lead to safer sexual practices among youth, reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

Secondly, the legalization of abortions can improve access to healthcare for young people. In countries where abortion is illegal, young people who become pregnant may resort to unsafe methods to terminate their pregnancies, putting their health and lives at risk. Legalization ensures that these young people have access to safe and professional healthcare services, reducing the risk of complications and death.

Thirdly, the legalization of abortions can influence societal attitudes towards sexual health. In societies where abortion is legal, there is often a greater acceptance of sexual activity among young people and a greater emphasis on the importance of safe sex. This can lead to more open discussions about sexual health among youth, encouraging them to take responsibility for their sexual health and make informed decisions.

However, it’s important to note that the legalization of abortions can also have negative impacts on sexual practices among youth. Some argue that it may lead to an increase in risky sexual behavior, as the availability of abortion may lead some young people to view it as a form of contraception, neglecting the use of other, more reliable contraceptive methods.

The legalization of abortions has significant implications for public health and sexual practices among youth. It can lead to increased sexual health education, improved access to healthcare, and changes in societal attitudes towards sexual health. However, it’s also important to consider potential negative impacts, such as an increase in risky sexual behavior. Therefore, it’s crucial that legalization is accompanied by comprehensive sexual education and access to contraceptive methods to mitigate these potential risks.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the legalization of abortions and its public health impacts on sexual practice among youth. A study of selected local government in Lagos State.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Legalization: This refers to the process of making something that was previously illegal, permissible by law. It involves the removal of legal prohibitions against a particular behavior or activity, such as abortion.
  2. Abortions: Abortions refer to the termination of a pregnancy by removing or expelling an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. This can be done through various medical procedures.
  3. Public Health: Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals. It involves a wide range of activities, from health education to disease prevention and control.
  4. Impacts: In this context, impacts refer to the effects or consequences that a particular action, decision, or event (like the legalization of abortions) has on the health, wellbeing, and behavior of a population.
  5. Sexual Practice: This term refers to the behaviors or activities that individuals engage in as part of their sexual lives. This can include a wide range of behaviors, from sexual intercourse to the use of contraceptives.
  6. Youth: Youth is a term used to refer to individuals who are in the phase of life between childhood and adulthood. The age range for “youth” can vary from one culture or society to another, but it is generally understood to include individuals who are in their teens and early twenties.

Project – Legalization of Abortions and its public health impacts on sexual practice among youth